Sunday, September 20, 2009

Salvia Tron-scape

I wrote this about 20 minutes after the trip.
Dose: 1 full breath of 15x standardized.


So, I'm just coming off of it right now (did it about 20 minutes ago and still feel a little of that weird woosiness). But I want to get this down as quickly as possible.

So, my friends and I were down by the river. I was sitting on a park bench, looking at the moonlight. Before I even got to exhaling the smoke, I started seeing double of the moon. Then I got a slight swirling in my head/vision, like when one wakes up drunk with a really bad hangover (but I was not nauseous). As I put the pipe down, I became very very very small. Like, 2 cm vs. my friend who was sitting next to me as like 50ft tall. At first I couldn't recognize what this big square black wall thing was (and it was outlined in yellow (perhaps from being silhouetted by passing car lights)). The wall had a cartoonish sun/yellow-brown happy face in the corner smiling at me (I have since figured out that this might have stemmed from me looking at the pipe that I was setting down (the happy-face sun), next to my friend's thighs and back (which would have formed the square wall) as he was sitting there). I could feel myself returning to a familiar physical reality, similar to the last Salvia experience, and I had a whole conversation with myself about ("Oh, this is exactly the same place as last time! Now I understand what some of these accounts on the Internet that I read are talking about, with yourself returning to your own particular special place on some subsequent occasions." I also started noticing the time-distortion, and I started saying to myself, "Whoa, man, this is gonna take a long time, good thing I don't have to take anymore...I know it's gotta wear off soon..." But my friend is telling me that I need to take another hit, and I'm thinking, "Whoa, no way, man, the time-dilation would be so bad in that case, I'd go through a whole mental lifetime, grow old, and die psychologically, before I got to come back..." Then the phone rang (in reality, about 5 seconds after I had set the pipe down--notice this whole conversation with myself and then with my friend had taken place in that span of time), and I remember feeling a fear just on the edge of myself that my arm was going to reach down against my will, open the phone, and that whoever was on the phone would convince me to do another hit, thus banishing me to this realm forever (psychologically speaking)," so I said to my friends, "Don't answer it! Just let it go! Just let it go!" Then my friends suggested that I stand up and walk around a bit. That I found not difficult at all physically, and I was finding it to be a trivial, pointless exercise, a diversion of my attention from more interesting matters. Because what I was now seeing was vast 3-d solar planar surface strobing of objects in 3 dimensions, like this:
But imagine the forwards/backwards dimension stretched to infinity with a continued solid surface. These 3-d solid planar strobings to infinity were not just shooting out of one forwards/backwards plane, but would shoot out of anything that I focused my attention onto, and would sometimes overlap (the strobings from the more forefront objects would strobe back onto and cover up the objects more in the background). The strobing was all headed off in the same direction---to my right, along the way the bench was sitting. My friends suggested walking in that direction, just to see if I could do it, which I found halfway annoying, and halfway bemusing because it was such a trivial thing to do (and I told them this much), because out that direction was just more of the solid-color planar strobing, whereas what I really wanted to pay attention to and contemplate was the interface of the 3 dimensions on the objects themselves. I was bemused because I realized how I was going to be able to explain none of this to my friends right then, and how they would have no idea of how trivial their recommendations and expectations were compared to the astoundingness of my reality and my inquiries at that moment. I felt a tad bit of pride at that moment from this. Nevertheless, just to prove to them that I could walk and whatnot, I hopped around and talked about how I felt ready to run a marathon or something, if need be, just to show off. Just about then the strobing was going away (the time dilation had started to wear off as I was getting up, although as I was getting up it was still with me, and it became very clear to me how the mechanics of walking were possible on Salvia. True, one had no coordination, as if one were drunk. But the time-dilation was such that if one started to lose one's balance, one had like 5 mental seconds to realize what was going on and correct one's body consciously, as if in slow motion, before one had stumbled any). I sat back down and tried to explain everything, with mainly just the weird woosiness now persisting...but also with many fake-come-downs interspersed (which sort of felt like fake-wake-ups from dreams). What I mean is, a sudden ratching "down" back into normal consciousness, except one discovers that one isn't *really* totally back until one feels the next ratcheting down, and so on, for many times, with a much smaller magnitude each, this time (whereas last time, there were 4 or so of these ratchetings, each one corresponding to some searing burst of monumental revelation and a rotation of the then-circle geometry (this time, a huge square was the center of my attention at first, and it did not rotate periodically like the wheel from last time).

This time was definitely less extreme than last time. I did not forget who I was. I only forgot where I was for a moment (when I was first looking at the 50ft. black wall, outlined in yellow (that I would later see in 3-d strobe planes at a different angle and shrunken scale)), and throughout I was able to keep thoughts together in language in my own head (but trying to say them at first seemed to take forever physically, like swimming through molasses, and just didn't seem worth it to divert my attention to that, rather than observing what was going on). In the beginning of this time, I was even able to think back to last time on Salvia and notice that things were really quite similar (and I even think now that there was that smiling sun on the first time, of which I got reminded in this time, but that may have been just a memory manufactured in the moment during my 2nd time, by extrapolating from what else was similar with last time (the time distortion). But this still felt fuckin' a clear reminder that my goal would be to maximize the ratio of "mental replay potential"/"Salvia-state mentally-experienced time." Feeling like things are lasting an eternity is certainly not a good feeling. But it's necessary to achieve the vision, which one can visually replay in one's mind, at a safe distance from it, and then later solidify into words the experience to allow your imagination to decode it later when your mind has lost the hi-fidelity image of it...which is what I am doing now, in fact!

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